Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos

O uso de drogas no local de trabalho é um problema mundial de saúde 
pública, exigindo esforços e ações de toda ordem para diminuir o impacto na 
saúde, na segurança e na economia. E, portanto, deve ser tratado sem 
discriminação, recomenda a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT).  Pensar em programas prevenção é estar, acima de tudo, voltado para a 
saúde, para segurança, para um estilo de vida onde se quer mais qualidade de 
Rio de Janeiro, 29 de setembro de 2011. 
Selene Franco Barreto 
Psicóloga e Consultora 
Vice Presidente da ABEAD 
1. ANAC – Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil - Regulamento Brasileiro de 
Aviação Civil-120 (RBAC-120)., Brasil, 2011. 
2. Ministério da Previdência Social – Brasil, 2009. 
3. Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) – Relatório sobre “ Consumo 
de drogas, álcool e medicamentos no trabalho” - Academia de Ciências 
Médicas de Bilbao, Espanha, 2009. 
4. Lima, JMB, Alcoologia – O Alcoolismo na Perspectiva da Saúde Pública –
Editora MedBook, RJ, 2008 
5. Jornal da Tarde – Antidoping nas Empresas quase dobra desde 2005 –
Publicado em 13/04/2009.

Pilot Rehabilitation

Airline pilots have one of the most stressful jobs on the planet: they are responsible for the lives and safety of hundreds of passengers on each flight they make – and they fly day in and day out. As with other stressful careers, this can lead many individuals to use drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Unfortunately, this can often lead airline pilots down the path of alcohol and drug addiction. And, when the lives of thousands of people every week are in your hands – drug and alcohol abuse can lead to disastrous consequences. That is why pilot rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol is especially important to start at the first sign of a problem.

Pilots have difficulty admitting they have a drug or alcohol problem

Unfortunately, the nature of the job also increases the likelihood that individuals will deny that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol. No one wants to admit that they are endangering not only their own lives, but those of all their passengers with their self-destructive behavior. In addition, the airplane pilot profession also tends to attract the type of “type-A” personalities that have difficulty asking for help or showing weakness. This tendency can make seeking help even more difficult for pilots. Seaside Palm Beach understands these issues and has designed a pilot rehabilitation program that consciously takes them into account, vastly increasing the chances of a successful outcome.

Most programs are not designed specifically for pilot rehabilitation

The Federal Aviation Administration and individual airlines also understand how the myriad of issues that pilots face can lead them into alcohol and drug dependence. That is why they have designed strict alcohol consumption and testing policies – and often provide pilot rehabilitation through their employee assistance programs. These programs are a great resource, but unfortunately do not work for everyone. Some pilots do not trust the confidentiality of a program that is administered by their employers or unions; others find that these programs do not work for them, because they are not specifically designed around the issues that pilots face everyday or staffed with individuals who have an aviation background.

Seaside’s pilot rehabilitation program is world-class

At Seaside Palm Beach – a leading, nationally recognized executive alcohol and drug rehab treatment center – our pilot rehabilitation program is designed to specifically address the difficulties faced by airline pilots in their recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction. We follow the 12-step model for alcohol and/or drug treatment and recovery – and provide complete medically supervised and monitored detoxification services as well. We are JCAHO certified and licensed by the State of Florida, and our support groups are led by addiction counselors with extensive experience in the aviation industry.

We invite you to contact us today and begin your journey to freedom with the executive pilot rehabilitation program at Seaside Palm Beach. Call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 515-7706 to find out more about taking back what your drug or alcohol addiction has stolen from you, your family, and your career.


Jornalismo com ética e solidariedade.