Theresa Catharina de Góes Campos

De: "Arlene Mitchell, WFP"
Data: 04 Aug 2005 08:34:18 PDT
Assunto: Hunger in Niger

Dear Friend,

The hunger crisis in Niger today is a stark reminder of the many reasons that tens of thousands of individuals -- including you and me -- joined Fight Hunger: Walk the World a few months ago.

This is not a call for contributions. It is an explanation of the hunger situation in Niger, which you are likely to have heard about via media reports. The number of children suffering from acute malnutrition in Niger this year is of grave concern.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been sounding the alarm about Niger's crisis since last November, but until recently donor contributions were very weak. Recent media attention, especially footage from WFP on the major networks, has resulted in a significant increase in contributions and we are hopeful we will be able to reach those most in need, at least for the immediate future. Needs may, however, rise further, depending upon the government's ability to cope.

The situation in other countries of the region, especially Mali, Burkina Faso and Mauritania which were affected by the same environmental conditions last year, is currently being assessed in order to ensure that no food gaps remain uncovered.

Click here to read a brief report about the Niger emergency operations:

You may also want to check for updates on the World Food Programme website:


We want you to know what is happening and to ask you to be ready to help should the situation require it. Thank you for your attention to world hunger issues.


Arlene Mitchell
Fight Hunger: Walk the World
World Food Programme

P.S. Here's an excerpt from the WFP report on Hunger in Niger:

"As funding has become available and in an effort to move aid quickly into Niger, WFP is now arranging multiple airlifts of commodities into Niger. Two airlifts from its humanitarian response depot in Brindisi already took place on 29 and 31 July with respectively 44 and 25 metric tons of high energy biscuits. WFP supplies its vitamin-fortified high-energy biscuits to the victims of severe food crises. They are essential to give people energy and strength whilst they wait for full food rations to arrive."

Click here to read the full report:

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